Document Requirements for Non-EU Students Coming to Milan

essential Steps to Follow Upon Arrival

#1 Wherever possible, ensure to enter the Schengen / EU Zone through Italy in order to obtain a passport stamp at the Italian border. Non-EU students who otherwise enter Italy from another country within the Schengen / EU Zone will not receive an Italian passport stamp and will be subsequently required to report to an Italian police station to complete a ‘dichiarazione di presenza’ (declaration of presence).

#2 Register your Italian Tax ID (Codice Fiscale) by way of appointment at the Agenzia Entrate. Your Codice Fiscale is required to sign any contracts in Italy, including rental contract exceeding 30-days. In the absence of this registration, you cannot legally stay at any accommodation for durations exceeding 30-days, therefore it is crucial to communicate this document to your landlord or housing provider at the earliest opportunity or otherwise within the first rental month. Click here for the complete step-by-step guide.

#3 Convert your Student Visa to a Permit of Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno) within 8 days of your arrival in Italy (calculated from the date of your passport stamp or the date of the ‘dichiarazione di presenza’ / ‘declaration of presence’). We remind students that a student visa is merely an entry document with an effective validity of just 8-days; your permit of stay is therefore essential for the duration of your studies in Italy. Click here for the complete step-by-step guide.

The Importance of a Rental Contract & Codice Fiscale

Demonstrating a valid and duly registered rental contract is a key component of your Permesso di Soggiorno application. In order for your landlord or housing provider to register your tenancy, you must in-turn posses and communicate a valid Codice Fiscale to your property manager within the statutory deadlines.

Appointment anxiety ? Let us Handle Everything For you!

While it’s possible to navigate local bureaucracy on your own, most international students find it helpful to have someone with experience and knowledge of the Italian system handle the application processes for them. Our Support Services are designed to make your life in Italy easier and more convenient. Contact us today or visit the Student Support Centre to learn more!

Content and support is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as independent legal, taxation, or other investment advices.


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