5 Things You Didn't Know About Milan

Milan, the global fashion and design capital, known for its culture, historic landmarks, and bustling streets. However, behind the fashion runways and Gothic cathedrals, the city holds intriguing secrets waiting to be unraveled.

Here are five lesser-known facts about Milan that might surprise you!

Adopt a Gargoyle from Milan's Duomo

The Milan Cathedral, an architectural marvel, offers a unique initiative: you can adopt a gargoyle! While these stone creatures have stood watch over the city for centuries, the wear and tear mean they need some TLC. The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano has set up this adoption scheme to fund the restoration of these gargoyles. Depending on the gargoyle's size and type, the adoption prices can vary. Not only does this ensure the preservation of a piece of Milan's history, but it also means you'll forever be a part of this iconic structure. For the most accurate pricing, a direct consultation with the Veneranda Fabbrica is recommended.

The Madonnina's Height Supremacy

Towering over the Milan skyline is the golden Madonnina statue, perched atop the Duomo. Standing at 108.5 meters, tradition mandates that no building in Milan should surpass the Madonnina in height. Whenever a new building has threatened to eclipse the statue's height, a replica of the Madonnina has been placed on the taller building to uphold the tradition.

Chill Until Mid-October

If you're planning to visit Milan in early autumn, pack some warm clothes. Milan, like many parts of Italy, has a regulation that central heating in buildings is not turned on until October 15, regardless of the actual weather conditions. So, those early autumn days can be quite chilly indoors!

Birthplace of the Aperitivo

Before it became a global sensation, the concept of the "aperitivo" was believed to have originated right here in Milan back in the 1860s. Thanks to Gaspare Campari, founder of the famed Campari brand, the city gave birth to this delightful pre-meal drink ritual. To this day, Milan holds onto this tradition with a special fondness, making it a must-experience activity for visitors.

Milan's Hidden Rivers

Beneath the bustling streets and historic edifices of Milan flow hidden rivers, a testament to the city's ancient past. Among the most notable is the Seveso River. Over the years, this underground river has been a silent witness to the city's evolution and has occasionally made its presence felt through floods.


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