Every semester, we encounter students arriving in Milan without secure housing, often after sending money to private landlords found on social media platforms.
First, the basics: As of 2024, the average monthly rent for a private room in Milan was approximately €685, while a one-bedroom apartment averaged €1,200.
These figures typically apply to standard annual contracts (4+4 years) and exclude condominium fee’s and personal utility expenses. For stays shorter than 12-months, considered short-term/transitional rentals, higher rates can be expected.
Securing a private room in the city centre for under 12 months will generally cost at least €750 per month, excluding condominium fee’s and utilities. It's important to note that energy costs in Italy averaged $0.457 per kWh in 2024; more than double the European average and nearly three times the U.S. average. Read more about the cost of living for students in Milan.
student renting in Milan
The basics of renting in Italy
Firstly, unlike many countries, there is no such thing as a private tenancy agreement between a tenant and landlord in Italy. Any and all tenancy periods in Italy exceeding 30 consecutive days are registered & regulated through the local revenue office (Agenzia Entrate) with fixed term contracts. What makes renting for exchange students particularly challenging is the standard rental contract available, otherwise referred to as the ‘4+4’. This form of contract is valid for 4-years, with an additional 4-year option, and constitutes the most common rental type in Italy. This is ideal for full time residents benefitting from 4-years of fixed rental rates but for students in Milan for less than a year, rental options are significantly limited as a result. For these reasons, most will look to specific student housing or co-living options that specialise in short-term / transitional stays; facilitating a specific contract type, referred to as the ‘Contratto Transitorio’, valid for periods between 1-18 months.
Many students will rightly secure their accommodation before they arrive to Milan. Furthermore, its best to secure accommodation several months before the onset of a new semester when the rental market is less saturated. Finding accommodation, particularly in January or September can be extremely difficult and expensive, as demand in the student rental market reaches its peak.
If you are booking from abroad follow these simple tips:
Understand the difference between; a Marketplace, an Agency, and a Landlord. This is especially important if you are using online marketplaces like UniPlaces or Spotahome. You may pay an online platform a commission but they are NOT your landlord, NOR do they mediate the tenancy for you in Milan as a traditional high street agency would. If you have a problem with your landlord or property when you land - it’s generally between you and the landlord to resolve.
If you can't visit the property and/or owner in-person, completely avoid private landlords online! Yes. really.
Use your university housing list! Most university accommodation is naturally reserved for first-year Italian students, however your university may provide a list of partnering rental agencies in the city.
You can also find a rental agency yourself online, however ensure that they are duly incorporated in Italy by confirming their registered company address & VAT number (Partita IVA). Please note, rental agencies typically charge a commission equivalent to 12% the annual rental value, in addition to VAT (22%), however unlike online marketplaces, they provide tenants with a local reference point.
If you want to avoid rental agencies, or if you are looking to live with other international students, you can explore private student residences. Student residences, including our own Nest Student Apartments, provide co-living solutions and local support services, tailored to students.
AirBnB! Another great option particularly for short term stays. Air BnB is a secure platform with a guest guarantee meaning that any money you send is protected. In Italy, AirBnB stays without a registered rental contract are legally capped at 30-days.
Youth Hostels are another popular first-stop for students in Milan. Most have a maximum 14-day occupancy, however for those arriving in anticipation, they provide a safe place to stay when you land, affording you time to find a more permanent place. Madama Hostel is one of our favourites!
If you are already in the city, things are a bit easier;
Visit high street agencies around your university! Milan is full of rental agencies - have a walk around your campus!
Visit private student residences! Although most won’t afford room visits during active semester periods, you can visit their reception or offices to discuss your housing options.
Contact and visit private landlords during the day. If you’re exploring the private rental market, this is the only way to do it safely. Be sure to bring a friend along whenever visiting a private landlord and make sure that they are the legal owner (most forms of sublease in Italy are illegal)!
Check the notice boards in your university library! Some universities such as Bocconi have removed their pin boards but some campuses still have housing offers advertised from outgoing students! Again, if you’re not going through a company or agent, it’s vital to visit the place BEFORE signing a contract or sending any deposit amounts.
Wherever you rent, you will almost certainly need to pay a refundable security deposit in advance, which is why the tips above are important!
The standard security deposit request in Italy is equivalent to 3-months rent. This can sometimes be negotiated down to 2-months but this is more unlikely for internationals, especially students, who are often considered at higher risk of default and/or damages.
Before sending any security deposit amounts, you should always receive, review and sign a formal Rental Contract or a Preliminary Contract. If you haven’t yet registered your Codice Fiscale, you will only be able to sign a Preliminary Rental Contract; to be supplemented within the first 30 rental days by a formal Rental Contract, indicating the tenants Codice Fiscale for tenancy registration purposes.
Upon Check In, it’s always advisable to evidence the condition of the accommodation for future reference.
Still need help?
If you need any information or assistance for your upcoming exchange program in Milan, don’t hesitate to contact The Support Centre!