The Last Supper

You know that guy Leonardo Da Vinci… the one that painted the Monna Lisa (La Gioconda)? The one that conceived the calculator, the parachute, the helicopter, the submarine? Yea, we’ve mentioned him before. He spent the majority of his life right here in Milan defining some of the most notable parts of its history.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a true renaissance man; an artist, a scientist and an inventor.

Milan is home to many of his creations. One of them being one of his most important paintings, ‘The Last Supper’ (Il cenacolo) available to visit right here in Milan!


The Last Supper dating back to 1494-1498 is actually a way bigger painting that you think. It was made with a dry technique of plaster on a wall located in the beloved church of Santa Maria delle Grazie just a short walk from the Catholic University of Sacred Heart.

Il Cenacolo has been restored and preserved throughout centuries, so it’s no wonder that very little of Leonardo Da Vinci’s authentic brushstrokes have endured.

You can visit the painting by booking directly online!

Piazza di Santa Maria delle Grazie, 2, 20123 Milano MI

Where to book:


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