Step into an Italian supermarket and you will find at least one isle, entirely dedicated to pasta. But not all are made equal... if you're a rookie; you're looking for a tasty pasta, that sticks to any sauce, and is difficult to overcook (unlike Barilla).

Quality pasta shouldn't cloud the cooking water with excess starch, doesn't lump or stick in the pot, and should always retain its shape.

For an extra €0.50, go ahead and do it properly...


Over 150 years of history, in the small town of Benevento. Rummo boasts only quality raw Italian ingredients, the highest protein index (14.5%), and a slow processing method at low temperatures - providing a forgiving pasta, even for the novice chef.

#2. Garofalo

The oldest pasta brand in the world (1789) and one of the few to be designated by the EU, thanks to its protected Semolina Flour - air dried between the hilltops of Mt Lattari and the Amalfi Coast, considered the absolute ideal conditions .


Founded 1886 in Abruzzo by two brothers who set out to mill the finest quality flour in the region. Although today's wheat is not 100% Italian, the water used to process the dough (from the Majella mountains) is considered a secret to its now, global success.


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