How Many Cats Live On The Galleria?

As you may or may not know, The Oldest Shopping Mall in the world (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II) is actually full of restaurants, hotels and apartments. 

It’s of course incredibly expensive to live there so you wouldn’t think that a dozen of stray cats could also be found there today!

We are going back to the 80’s to make sense of all of this and unfold what is actually a very cute Milanese story. 

There was once an old lady who lived up there known to feed pigeons and her two black cats. Eventually, the galleria became too much of a climb and she was found to move out of her attic— sadly leaving her cats behind.

The cats too wild and free to tame throughout the years managed to make the galleria’s rooftops both their playground and home.

Our furry friends have multiplied so there is now an estimated guess of 12 black cats. Legend has it that if you’re lucky to see one of them you will be blessed with a fruitful life.

Today the cats are looked after by the City Council of Milan along with the animal protection association and the inspired ‘I 12 Gatti’ Restaurant. del Duomo, 20123 Milano MI

Related Article: The Oldest Shopping Mall




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