The Park That’ll Make Your Head Spin

Just a short walk from City Life, you can find one of Milan’s most mysterious parks… as well as the longest bench in the world!

The green space is divided into various areas: the first is the hill of "prehistory", with its S-shape that shelters road noise and represents the spirals of the galaxy.

The most imposing hill, which looks towards the city center, is dedicated to the "present", with a path that unravels on a double helix, ending at its highest point of 22m. At the top there is a fountain and a metal sculpture of DNA, in homage to life.

The "Time Garden", on the other hand, is the most intimate and protected space in the park, the black and white plates indicating the rotations of the Earth. The markings on the floor between the plates indicate the waves of a human heart beat and disguise a calendar that we’ve not been able to crack yet!

Location: Viale Renato Serra, 20149 Milano MI


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