5 Things To Know Before Coming To Milan

If you're coming to Milan, there are a few things you should know before packing your bags. Here are five essential tip to help make your stay a success:

  1. Be prepared for the language barrier

    English-speaking services are not readily available in Milan, so it's a good idea to brush up on your Italian language skills before you arrive.

  2. Accommodation can be challenging to find

    Milan has a highly competitive rental market, like most global cities, particularly around the start of semesters. Don't wait until the last minute to book your accommodation, or you may end up in an expensive hotel.

  3. Utility expenses Are high

    Italy has some of the highest energy costs in Europe, and if you're coming from the USA, you may be surprised to find that the average energy cost per kWh is approximately 110% higher in Italy. Be sure to budget for these expenses accordingly.

  4. Be prepared for bureaucracy

    If you're planning on staying in Milan for an extended period, you'll likely need to deal with Italian bureaucracy. Many administrative tasks require physical appointments, so it's essential to plan ahead and get the help you need to navigate the system.

  5. Public transport is the way to go

    Milan has a comprehensive network of underground and surface lines, making it easy to get around the city quickly and affordably. Don't feel like you need to stay in an expensive neighbourhood - with affordable travel passes, you can get anywhere in the city in under 30 minutes.


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