Brexit Students
From December 31st 2020, things are a little different for our British students who had previously enjoyed the visa-free benefits of EU membership whilst studying in Italy.
Following Brexit, visa-free travel in Europe is permitted for up to a maximum of 90-days in any 12-month period.
British citizens studying in Milan from January 1st 2021 can still stay in Italy for periods exceeding 90-days however like all other Non-EU citizens, a visa must be obtained in advance from the UK (a visa cannot be obtained in Italy).
1) applying for a visa
As a British student studying in Italy, you should apply for a Student Entry Visa at your local Italian consulate in the UK. It is important to remember that if you enter Italy without a visa, you will either have to leave the Schengen zone within 90-days or return to the UK to then apply for the relevant student visa. It is not possible to apply for a visa whilst already in Italy, furthermore overstaying the visa-free 90-day limit may result in penalties and/or criminal prosecution.
2) applying for a permesso
Once you have your student visa, it’s time to get your Permesso (Permit of Stay)!
Non-EU citizens have 8-days from landing in Italy to register their residency in Milan, in accordance with the visa entry requirements. You can follow this link for our full guide on applying for your Permesso.
Apply with the student support centre
It’s no secret that if you’re new to life in Italy, fulfilling your bureaucratic requirements can be quite intimidating (even with the help of our Online Guides). The Student Support Centre with its international team, speaking your language, is here to help!
From your initial ‘one-on-one’ consultation in the historical centre, to ensuring that your applications are submitted correctly in Italian language - have your bureaucracy handled professionally & competently by a member of our Student Support Team.
Content and support is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as independent legal, taxation, or other investment advices.