how to get your permesso di soggiorno
Non-EU citizens arriving to Italy with a student visa must apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno (Permit of Stay) within 8 days of arrival within the Italian territory.
It’s important to ensure that all local bureaucracy is completed at the earliest opportunity, as will be required for your domicile/tenancy registration in Italy; a statutory requirement within 30-days of arrival.
PRO TIP: A visa is just an entry document, requiring conversion to a Permit of Stay.
how to apply
Step #1
Go to a Post Office (ugh) with a special window called a Sportello Amico. A list of these Post Office's is available on the Poste Italia website. When you arrive take the 'T' ticket from the machine at the entrance and wait... When you reach the kiosk, ask for 'The Residence Kit' or simply 'The Kit' - they’ll know what you mean.
Step #2
Go home, get out a dictionary, and fill out the forms within the Residency Kit envelope you have received (DO NOT sign the form yet or reseal the envelope - you'll do this back at the Post Office).
Step #3
Time to copy your documents! You'll need printed scans of;
Passport & entry visa (scan EVERY passport page)
Codice fiscale certificate
Proof of study / university enrolment
Full copy of your health insurance policy
Registered rental contract in Milan
Bank statement (for 2025 the minimum threshold for self-sufficiency constitutes savings of €5.977,79 per year). You can submit the same documents you provided for the visa application or, if you have been assigned a scholarship, an official letter detailing its amount, duration and issuing body; we're almost there!
Step #4
Next up, go to any tobacco shop / newsagents and buy a 'Marca da Bollo' stamp worth €16.00. These stamps are used to pay taxes due on state documents, the Post Office will attach this to your application for you when you return later.
Take all of your scanned documents, your completed residency kit and your tax stamp back to the Post Office (It's the last time - we promise!).
When delivering the application to the post office, you must pay:
the Electronic Residence Permit (PSE) production cost (€30,46);
the Residence Permit fee (€40);
the service charge for submitting the application via registered mail (€30).
After you have successfully submitted your application, you will immediately receive a printed receipt known as the ‘Ricevuta’ - this is your formal proof of application and will indicate the appointment date of your subsequent immigration interview and biometric fingerprinting at the Questura (Police Headquarter). It is VERY important that you keep this document safe - this will become clear in a moment!
Now wait...
Wait some more...
Your appointment at the Questura will generally fall within 1-4 months, however there are instances where students will wait 6+ months for this appointment. Our current record is 9 months! (Don't panic! This is why you have the Ricevuta!)
When you eventually attend your Questura appointment, take along your Ricevuta from the Post Office, along with copies of all of the documents provided in your Permesso Kit. You will also need to provide FOUR passport sized photos for which there are automated photo booths costing €5 in the main metro stations around the city).
After your Questura appointment, go home and wait between 30-45 days for an SMS notice, indicating that your card is ready for collection from the Questura.
Revel in the glory before starting the process again for any future renewals (Permesso di Soggiorno cards are valid for up to 12-months).
some things to remember…
The Permesso di Soggiorno is issued for the same reasons and for the same duration indicated for by your original visa, up to a maximum of 12-months. If your stay exceeds 12-months, you will need to renew your Permesso di Soggiorno annually within 60-days of the current expiration.
If the health insurance policy has a duration shorter than 12-months or is shorter than the duration of the sponsoring visa, the duration of the resulting Permesso di Soggiorno will have a validity in accordance with the expiry date of the health insurance.
If you’ve not received an automatic SMS notification to collect your Permesso di Soggiorno card within 45-days following a Questura appointment, the status of the application can be verified online by entering your reference/protocol number on the State Police website.
Appointment anxiety? apply with the support centre
While it’s possible to obtain a Permesso di Soggiorno on your own, many international students and expats find it helpful to have someone with experience and knowledge of the Italian system handle the application process for them. Our Support Services are designed to make your life in Italy easier and more convenient. Contact us today to learn more about our Support Services and how we can help you get your Permesso di Soggiorno quickly and hassle-free.
Content and support is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as independent legal, taxation, or other investment advices.