how to get your Italian student visa

If you're a non-EU student planning to study in Italy, obtaining a student visa is the first part of the process. Our guides will provide you with all the information you need to successfully obtain a student visa and start your academic journey in Italy.

Remember that a visa is just an entry document. Within 8-days of arrival in Italy, all non-EU citizens are required to obtain a Permesso di Soggiorno.

how to apply

Step #1

Determine your eligibility: Before you begin the application process, make sure you are eligible for a student visa. This includes being accepted into a recognized Italian educational institution, having sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay, and meeting the other requirements outlined by the Italian embassy.

Step #2

Gather the required documents:

  1. Nulla Osta - This is a certificate issued by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country that certifies your admission to an Italian educational institution.

  2. Passport - Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond the end of your intended stay in Italy.

  3. Completed visa application form - You can download this from the website of the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

  4. Two passport-sized photos - These should be recent, with a white background.

  5. Proof of financial resources - You will need to provide evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses in Italy. This could include bank statements, scholarship letters, or a letter from your parents or sponsor.

  6. Health insurance - You will need to provide proof of health insurance coverage that is valid in Italy.

  7. Criminal background check* - Some Italian consulates may require a criminal background check from your home country.

  8. Accommodation information - You will be required to provide information about where you plan to stay in Italy, such as a lease agreement or booking confirmation from a recognised student residence like our own.

Step #3

Submit your visa application: Submit your completed visa application with the required documents to the Italian embassy or consulate in your home country. You may need to schedule an appointment in advance and pay a visa application fee.

Step #4

Attend your visa interview: If required, attend an interview at the Italian embassy or consulate. This may include questions about your educational plans, financial situation, and other relevant details related to your stay in Italy.


Wait for your visa to be issued: After submitting your application and attending any required interviews, wait for your visa to be issued. This may take several weeks or more, so it's important to plan accordingly and apply well in advance of your planned travel date.


The entry visa is unfortunately just the first step of bureaucracy for non-EU citizens. Within 8-days of arrival in Italy, you must then complete the following steps in accordance with the terms of the entry visa:

  1. Obtain a registration certificate for your Codice Fiscale

  2. Apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno

Appointment anxiety? apply with the support centre

While it’s possible to complete most bureaucracy on your own, many international students and expats find it helpful to have someone with experience and knowledge of the Italian system handle the application process for them. Our Support Services are designed to make your life in Italy easier and more convenient. Contact us today to learn more about our Support Services and how we can help you.

Content and support is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as independent legal, taxation, or other investment advices.