how to get your transport card

One of the best things about Milan is undoubtedly the transport; from the famous wooden trams that have been exported around the world to cities like San Francisco (yes, they really are from Milan!) to the high speed metro's that have saved us more than once after missing an alarm!

This one is optional but not really… If you want to avoid a pocket full of single tickets and save A LOT of money, get yourself an unlimited monthly travel pass with no minimum term!


All of Milan's public transport is managed by the ATM Transport Agency meaning that you only need ONE ticket for all forms of city transport including; metro, tram, bus & inner-city trains.


A single ATM ticket can be purchased from the red machines inside the metro stations or from most tobacco shops for €2.00. Consider however that if you bought just 2 single tickets per day, you would spend €124.00 per month on travel...significantly more if you have an active student life as you should!


All students under 27 can obtain an UNLIMITED monthly travel pass for just... €22.00 per month (€39.00p/m for over 27's)! Besides a significant monthly saving on your transport, you also won't need to worry about buying tickets everyday and then trying to validate your ticket on busy trams and buses at rush hour (trust us, you don't want to make this a regular thing!).

how to apply

Step #1

Bring your passport, Codice Fiscale and passport photos along to an ATM Centre (the most popular ones are in the metro stations of; Duomo, Centrale FS & Romolo - once inside, just follow the signs for 'ATM CENTRE').

Step #2

Complete the application form found at the kiosk windows and return with your completed form and personal documents. At this point you will also need to pay €10.00 for your card which is issued immediately.

Step #3

Upon receiving your orange ATM travel card, you will also be asked if you'd like to top up your card immediately, either monthly for €22.00 or annually (with a small discount) - you can also ask them to charge the card for any period in-between (2,3,4 months etc.). There is NO contractual commitment with your ATM card; you can charge it whenever you want, at any Metro machine, and skip certain months to then resume later if you wish.

PRO TIP: It’s unlikely that the ATM staff will speak to you in English, so it’s important to be clear regarding the period for which you would like to subscribe.


Once you have your travel card, the easiest way to charge is at the same red metro machines where you were buying all those single tickets!

  1. Find a red metro machine inside the station

  2. Drop your card into the reader below the display

  3. A screen will automatically flash with the months you can purchase on your card.

  4. Select the month or other period you would like to purchase for, drop your cash or card into the machine and then wait a few moments to remove your card.

  5. Done.


  • If you are travelling with single metro tickets you MUST validate them when you board any trams or buses at the little red boxes found on the railings. Failure to do so can / normally will result in a fine.

  • If you are travelling at rush hour, it is customary to give up your seat to the elderly and those with children.

  • ALWAYS stand to the right on the escalators, the left lane is left free for those walking up/down.

  • Remember to hit the Stop Button on the trams and buses just before your stop (they're usually found in all of the isles)!

  • On the metro, DON'T stand by the doors before your stop unless you're trying to annoy the local commuters!

  • If you turn 27 during your time in Milan, your renewal the month following your birthday will be charged at the standard adult rate of €39.00p/m.

Appointment anxiety? apply with the support centre

While it’s possible to obtain a Transport Pass on your own, many international students and expats find it helpful to have someone with experience and knowledge of the Italian system handle the application process for them. Our Support Services are designed to make your life in Italy easier and more convenient. Contact us today to learn more about our Support Services and how we can help you get your Transport Pass quickly and hassle-free.

Content and support is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as independent legal, taxation, or other investment advices.