An App To Help You Save Money

Say no to food waste and save some coin! 

Too Good To Go’ is a free app created in Denmark back in 2015 and it’s now available in 15 countries!

The goal is to connect customers to restaurants and shops that have unsold or extra food — making it accessible to anyone that downloads the app. 

Its philosophy: “Save Food, Help The Planet” has now gained over 3 million users and over 10 thousand bars, restaurants; supermarkets in Italy. 

The concept is simple: choose your “magic box”, reserve a time slot; pick it up. 

The deals available differ from day to day and you won’t actually know what will be included in your magic box until you collect it — making it an exciting surprise! 

What you will know for sure is the fact that the food is sold at a third of its price and that you will be receiving 1-2kg of items in your bag. (Of course, this all depends on your restaurant/shop of choice)

The prices can range anywhere from €2,99 to €6,99 and much so like a food delivery app, these purchases are payable on Too Good To Go through either: Paypal or card.

Not only has this app made it easier for us to make less decisions and not have to plan so much around what our next meal is going to be, it has helped everyone participating obtain a sense of community while combating one the greatest wastes of our time.

Next time you are looking for a lunch break or planning a picnic with your friends, keep Too Good To Go in mind!

Other useful links: The Ultimate Deliveries Guide & The Ultimate Supermarket Guide.


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