Secret Cocktail Society

Sacrestia Farmacia Alcolica is considered one of the coolest bars in Milan due to its funky-retro interior & great drinks. But what most people don’t hear about is the secret experience that lies beneath. 

So yes, a secret bar inside a bar…

Oro Scrt Room is a ‘A Secret Cocktail Society’ accessible only through reservation. 

Once you’ve made it on the waiting list & have been provided with instructions… you will arrive at what seems to be a pharmaceutical laboratory counter, with 79 aromas (79 bottles containing gin, whiskey, tequila, rum and flavoured vodka), & where aroma #79, the grand experience… is considered Gold.

The bartender Terry Monroe will take you through an alchemical journey, between colours & aromas that lead to a different experience every time. The flavoured spirits & cocktails are always served with small bites proposed in combination.

Unfortunately, you will not get to Gold the first time, but it’s eventually possible!

Upon arrival, you receive the first copper coin & you become a "number" with which to book the subsequent experience. At the second meeting, the copper coin is exchanged for a silver one. 

Only at the tenth meeting you get the gold coin, to try the superior experiences…just like a secret club.

Book: HERE

An article you might also want to check out: Secret Bars


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