Fair use policy

inclusive utilities & internet

Unlike typical rentals, Nest Milan Students benefit from fully inclusive rates, meaning guests are not required to activate annual utility contracts, nor handle the associated bills for their personal consumables and condominium expenses.

To provide all students indistinctly with an unlimited rental formula, there is a Fair Use Policy included within all tenancy agreements to prevent abuses of service deriving from significantly excessive usage.

87% of Nest Milan Students never reach the inclusive thresholds which are set approximately 27%* above the average national household consumption levels for the associated property characteristics.

*national electrical consumption statistics collected by vivienergia (2021)

  • All Nest Milan guests enjoy inclusive; utilities* (electricity, gas, water), condominium fee’s, and fibre optic internet.

    *Electricity usage is governed under the limits set forth by The Fair Use Policy, specifically indicated within the subscribed rental service agreement.

    Gas consumption limits - where applicable - may be further stipulated within the subscribed rental service agreement or otherwise delivered without limits in absence of regulation.

  • The limits set forth in accordance with The Fair Use Policy are formally indicated within all Service Agreements (art.6) to mitigate potential abuses of service deriving from excessive/abnormal usage. Limits relate to monthly thresholds for the entire property indistinctly, calculated based on national averages associated to the property size and characteristics.

    Any usages exceeding the inclusive limits provided will be further communicated by the associated accommodation administrator, however additional consumption always remains available, at the discretional cost of the guest(s).

  • From 2019, all Nest Milan Apartments are fitted with a digital A2A Smart Meter for the guest(s) benefit. The Smart Meter allows for the independent and live monitoring of energy consumption.

    It’s a common practice for tenants to take note of meter readings at the beginning of each month or quarter, to monitor their personal consumptions.

  • For any issues relating to housemates, including for matters relating to; cleaning, antisocial behaviours, as well as excess energy usages - please contact your Student Support Centre. Any issues negatively affecting the cohabitation are taken very seriously and are handled anonymously wherever possible.

  • For the academic year of 2020/21, 87% of Nest Milan Students never reached the inclusive thresholds relating to electricity usage, set approximately 27% above the average national household consumption levels for the associated property characteristics. For example, the average four person / three bedroom household in Italy consumed an average of 300kWh per month (3,600 kWh per year) in 2021. The smallest Nest Student Apartments (three persons / two bedrooms) provides for up to 330kWh per month.

    *national electrical consumption statistics collected by vivienergia (2021)

    If however, appliances and/or fixtures are utilised irresponsibly, it’s feasible to reach the subscribed limits, for which guests will be notified at the earliest opportunity.

    Operating laundry machines every day at high temperatures, leaving lights on 24/7, excessive usage of hot water (for properties served by electric water heaters), and operating high voltage appliances for long durations (fans and/or portable heaters etc.) are some common causes that can be attributed to excess consumptions.

    If a guest exceeds the limits provided for, generally some very simple changes to personal habits can avoid a reoccurrence. Guests who have previously exceeded Fair Use Limits are especially encouraged to monitor the ongoing usage at their property with the installed Smart Meter.

    Excess usage beyond the limits provided for, does NOT result in a restriction of utility service however any excess consumptions will be debited indistinctly to the guest(s) rental account, at the rate indicated at the time of the providers billing.